When Muthesius paints, he deals with real objects and motifs, which he sketches from all perspectives. From these sketches, placed in conflict with the environment, the history or the sociocultural contexts of his objects, he creates powerful, incisive, minimalist paintings which reflect and mirror this very conflict.
He uses different techniques according to subject and intent; he might use Chinese ink, tempera, oil or watercolor, or choose black and white or deliberate color tones. This is how he created his URBAN LANDSCAPES, his CROSS and STAR series, and also his SKULL images, some of which in turn were lent an additional artistic dimension by means of INSTALLATIONS.
Quotations / Reviews
Quotations / Reviews
by Jörn Merkert, Berlin 1991
“Muthesius’s paintings grab the viewer and pull him into the heart of the visual narrative. And yet they are hermetic, almost repellent. They appear to us very quietly, just as the snow softly covers and dampens every noise of the city, and in their restraint we physically sense the penetrating vibrations of the energies all the more intensely. ”
Jörn Merkert: Conceptual Urban Landscapes, or: A Feast for the Eyes. On New Paintings by Winfried Muthesius. In: Winfried Muthesius – Brandenburg Gates. Berlin 1991, p. 9 von Jörn Merkert, Berlin 1991
„Die Bilder von Muthesius packen den Betrachter, sie reißen ihn mitten in das Bildgeschehen hinein. Und doch sind sie hermetisch, fast abweisend. Sie treten uns sehr still gegenüber – so wie der Schnee jeden Lärm der Stadt sanft zudeckt und dämpft, und die durchdringenden Vibrationen der Energien gerade in ihrer Verhaltenheit von uns um so intensiver körperlich wahrgenommen werden.“
Jörn Merkert: Konzeptuelle Stadtlandschaften Oder: Ein Fest für die Augen. Zu neuen Bildern von Winfried Muthesius. In: Winfried Muthesius – Brandenburger Tore. Berlin 1991, S. 9