ZeitBrüche (Cracks in Time)
2014, Jürgen Lenssen
Exhibition catalogue ja “ZeitBrüche” (Cracks in Time) at the Museum am Dom in Würzburg, 2014, published by Dr. Jürgen Lenssen: ZeitBrüche
With the “ZeitBrüche” (Cracks in Time) series, Muthesius builds on his works from 1992 and develops them further. The photographic works in the pittura oscura technique developed by Muthesius, an unexpected combination of painting and photography, have titles such as “Untergang” (Downfall), “Apokalyptischer Himmel” (Apocalyptic Sky), “Sturzflug” (“), nosedive “Gefangen” (Imprisoned) and “Dionysos”, and are testimonies to a journey with no fixed destination.
ISBN 978-3-945354-00-1
Golden Fields
2003, Thomas Sternberg
Installation catalogue for the Berlin Ecumenical Day of 2003. Published on behalf of the Ecumenical Day by Thomas Sternberg in collaboration with the Galerie Michael Schultz, in Berlin: Golden Fields
Installations in Berlin underground stations. For the Ecumenical Day of 2003, Winfried Muthesius placed his Golden Fields in 14 underground stations in Berlin; small, lustrous squares of gold, which break up the dreary walls. What happens to the Golden Fields is part of the action. The book documents the 14 stations.
ISBN 3-933144-70-1
Stern (Star)
2003, Bischöfliches Dom- und Diözesanmuseum Trier
Exhibition catalogue “Stern” (Star) at the Bischöflichen Dom- und Diözesanmuseum in Trier, in collaboration with the Galerie Michael Schultz in Berlin and the Stiftung St. Matthäus, Berlin: Stern
With the picture series “Stern” (Star), Muthesius depicts places of remembrance as places of destruction. The works were created on solid, large-format wooden supports, 2 x 2 m across, coated with layers of yellow oils and several layers of bitumen. The star symbol was then hewn into the wood with an axe or scratched into it with a metal wedge. The violence is immediately apparent.
ISBN 3-9807895-2-7
HIMMEL, Malerei (HEAVEN, Painting)
2001, Thomas Sternberg
Exhibition catalogue “HIMMEL Malerei” (HEAVEN, Painting) at the Akademie FRANZ HITZE HAUS and St. Martini in Münster, 2001, published by Thomas Sternberg in collaboration with the Galerie Michael Schulz, Berlin: HIMMEL, Malerei
Displayed are works on the theme of “Himmel” (Heaven) and “Kreuz” (Cross), executed in metal leaf and bitumen on wood, and metal leaf and oil colours on wood.
ISBN 3-930322-38-2
Winfried Muthesius. ZeitBrüche -unentwegte Kreuzwege (Cracks in Time – Never-ending Crossroads)
1995, DG Kunstverein and Gallery on Finkenstraße, Deutsche Gesellschaft für christliche Kunst
Installation catalogue of contemporary art in the historical interior of the Theatinerkirche St. Kajetan, Munich: ZeitBrüche unentwegte Kreuzwege
ISSN 0129-3624
hell Schützenhofbunker
1994, Thomas Sternberg
Installation catalogue “hell”. This installation is related to other installations in lost spaces: hell Schützenhofbunker
On November 18th, 1944, the Schützenhofbunker, in the South of the city of Münster, was hit by an aerial bomb. The bomb smashed through the 1.4 m thick concrete roof, killing 68 people who were sheltering there. The bunker was considered particularly safe! The work is positioned in the central passage there, a skull picture in black and white, oil on wood, 2×2 m across. The motif, the skull, is not painted representationally, but as an abstract form.
ISBN 3-930322-04-8
Winfried Muthesius. Brandenburger Tore (Brandenburg Gates)
1991, Galerie vier, Berlin
Exhibition catalogue “Brandenburger Tore” (Brandenburg Gates) at the Galerie Ilse Lommel, Leverkusen; Raum Trinitais, Cologne; Galerie vier, Berlin; ART COMMUNICATION, Berlin; Goethe-Institut, Paris; Galerie Nane Stern, Paris, published by Galerie vier: Winfried Muthesius – Brandenburger Tore
The “Brandenburger Tore” (Brandenburg Gates) series is one of the central works of Winfried Muthesius. Since 1982 Muthesius has been focusing on the theme of the divided city. In 1984 he held the first solo exhibition on this theme. It can already be seen in this early work that the Wall has fallen!
Winfried Muthesius. Peinture – Painting – Malerei
1990, Friedhelm Mennekes
Exhibition catalogue to Kunst-Station Sankt Peter (Saint Peter Arts Centre) in Cologne, 1990, published by Friedhelm Menneckes: Winfried Muthesius. Peinture – Painting – Malerei
Winfried Muthesius created an altarpiece for the Church of Saint Peter in the form of a triptych, with the distinctive feature that the centre area remains blank. Other venues for this exhibition are: Galerie Nane Stern in Paris, Galerie Marcel-Patrick Manchon in Paris, Amerika Haus Berlin, Deutsches Haus in NY, and the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in NY.
Winfried Muthesius – Peintures
1988, Winfried Muthesius
Exhibition catalogue “Peintures” (Paintings) at the Galerie M.P.M. PROJECT BASTILLE, Paris under the patronage of the Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany: Winfried Muthesius – Peintures
An Aesthetic work under the influence of Zen. Works from the “Stadtlandschaften” (Urban Landscapes) series, Berlin und Salzburg.